nat's fantabulous blog

I write random shit here.

Sunday, July 24, 2005


So I went to Yorkdale Mall to buy headphones today. I haven't been to that mall in a long time, and man, has it changed. It used to be your typical midsize suburban mall, but it has turned in to a gigantic Labyrinth! Even though I had a map in my hand, I kept getting lost. It was so frustrating! I didn't even see David Bowie once! :(

In addition to the headphones, I came home with a package of Kiss Incense - a "Variety Pack", containing the scents "Destroyer", "Dynasty" and "Psycho Circus". They smell kinda flowery in the package, not at all what I would expect Kiss to smell like.

Edit: When burned, the incense smells just like I would expect Kiss to smell - musty.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Rain! YAY!

I decided to go walk around Kensington Market, which is an area of Toronto where they have a lot of vintage stores and food markets. I'm glad I went, because I haven't walked around there in years. It was a great way to kill time and not think about how hungry I am. It kind of reminded me of being in New Orleans, because there were shitloads of slow-walking touritsts everywhere. I kind of felt like I was on vacation.

I tried to be good, but I came away with 3 pairs of sunglasses (I am a sunglass WHORE and they were only 5 bucks a pair!), a pink skirt,  a dress/top type thing, and some Jin Sticks (best.incense.ever). I only found a few of the things on my shopping list at the kitchen supply store, so I still can't make Master Cleanse popsicles :(

When I was done with my shopping, it FINALLY STARTED RAINING! It has been raining for a couple of hours now, and it's AWESOME!

The cleanse is going well. I woke up feeling pretty rotten and tired. I was going to stay home and sulk, but my friend Dirk convinced me to go out and do something (he's my cleanse guru). I'm glad I took his advice because I feel much better. I think I may do the ORAL ENEMA in a bit!

Friday, July 15, 2005

Master Cleanse

So I started the Master Cleanse today. I have had 2 lemon drinks so far, but I put WAY WAY WAY too much Cayenne Pepper (even for me!) in them. The maple syrup is so yummy. It reminds me of the snow candies I used to make as a kid, back when you could still eat snow without worrying too much about the side effects.

Here is an illustration for those of you who are not familliar with matters of the colon:

If any of you have done the Master Cleanse, I want to hear your stories. Don't be afraid to post graphic details, they don't bother me.

Also, please do not suggest colonics. I am not a fan of having things shoved in my asshole. The oral enema involved in the Master Cleanse is about all I can handle, even though the images I associate with the words "oral enema" just seem so wrong..

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Despite the multitudes of empty promises from those who call themselves "Meteorologists", it has not rained for WEEKS in downtown Toronto. The air keeps getting heavier and the pollution keeps building up. My throat is killing me, I feel like a fucking Zombie  and my head is about to implode!